Problems with X on an Acer laptop with Intel motherboard graphics -- anyone else?

Mary Ellen Foster M.E.Foster at
Thu Apr 29 14:59:07 UTC 2004

I filed two bugs in bugzilla this morning describing display problems that 
I had with FC2T3 on my Acer Travelmate laptop (with Intel i830 graphics 
integrated into the motherboard). I was just curious whether anyone else 
with similar hardware also experienced similar weirdnesses, or if this is 
just my own problem.

1. anaconda uses 800x600 by default, which looks bad and cuts off the right
    side of my (1024x768) display

2. the screen gets totally messed up switching to a virtual console after
    starting X (this is actually something I've been seeing since the
    XFree86 update in FC1, but I hoped it would be gone in FC2).


__ Mary Ellen Foster __ __
So if someone says: "Let's see The Cat in the Hat"--
Just turn it down flat. I wish I'd done that.
                   Peter Bradshaw, Guardian film review, 2 April 2004

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