FC2 menus

Peter Boy pboy at barkhof.uni-bremen.de
Mon Apr 19 07:28:22 UTC 2004

Am So, den 18.04.2004 schrieb Gene C. um 21:55:
> I don't like the menus that come up on FC2.
> While the menus on FC1 may not have had the applications I would like come up 
> in the main menu, there was "More" pointing to a submenu to get additional 
> application.  Now with FC2 there is only the top level menu.  

I would like to assist your approach! And I hope the menu structure will
become as well sorted as in FC 1.

There are some other inconveniences in the route the Gnome project seems
to follow, which make the desktop less usable. E.g. the desktop context
menu no longer contain the menu items "drives" and " Open" (a new
nautilus window). You have to move around your windows to get access to
the desktop icons. Very inconvenient.


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