FC2T3 torrent locations

Michael Stenner mstenner at ece.arizona.edu
Tue Apr 27 17:01:49 UTC 2004

On Tue, Apr 27, 2004 at 06:12:07PM +0200, Matias Feliciano wrote:
> If you have two identical iso but one with an offset of one octet, then
> rsync method is not efficient (it's like ftp in bandwidth usage).

Maybe I just got lucky when I tried this, but I doubt it:

bird$ split -b 100000000 test.iso
bird$ echo 'stuff' > med
bird$ cat xaa xab > one
bird$ cat xaa med xab > two
bird$ ls -al one two
-rw-rw-r--  1 mstenner mstenner 200000000 Apr 27 09:43 one
-rw-rw-r--  1 mstenner mstenner 200000006 Apr 27 09:44 two
bird$ rsync -e ssh -vP one localhost:/var/test/two
   200000000 100%   13.40MB/s    0:00:14
wrote 65280 bytes  read 73284 bytes  6158.40 bytes/sec
total size is 200000000  speedup is 1443.38

> Read http://rsync.samba.org/tech_report/node2.html . 

I have read the technical report and do not see how it supports your

> Generally, you can't update an iso. You rebuild the whole iso and
> many files (even identical) is not at the same place in the iso.

They do not need to be in the same place.

bird$ cat xab xaa > two   # note they are combined backwards
bird$ rsync -e ssh -vP one localhost:/var/test/two
   200000000 100%   13.92MB/s    0:00:13
wrote 65802 bytes  read 73284 bytes  7132.62 bytes/sec
total size is 200000000  speedup is 1437.96

  Michael D. Stenner                            mstenner at ece.arizona.edu
  ECE Department, the University of Arizona                 520-626-1619
  1230 E. Speedway Blvd., Tucson, AZ 85721-0104                 ECE 524G

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