Downloading the 4GB DVD iso

Till tillm at
Wed Apr 28 16:00:05 UTC 2004

On 29/04/04 01:40 ne... Squawked:

>>> Surely if enough people here, used BitTorrent to "serve" the DVD iso, 
>>> you'd get it in no time?
>>> Craig
>>You'd think so, but I've never had BitTorrent do
>>better than 20kb/s on cable, which is painfully
>>slow :(
> How long did you leave it running for? Mine started at
> about 40kb/s and maxed at 140kb/s after a while. I'm on
> dsl. You also need to make sure your firewall is setup
> right. 

I left it for about 15 minutes at which point it
was stable on 19-20kb/s.  I have opened port 6881
on my firewall so it's not that.  I thinks it's
my provider, we have a limited upload speed of
16kb/s. Doesn't BitTorrent work better when you
can upload faster?


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