Failed to load image redhat-email.png

Michal Jaegermann michal at
Sun Aug 8 14:22:31 UTC 2004

On Sun, Aug 08, 2004 at 07:44:36AM -0600, raxet wrote:
> I know this isn't much, but the latest development flashes this error - 
> See Subject.
> Details: Failed to open file 
> '/usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/redhat-email.png': No such file or 
> directory

This happens to be a link to a file supplied by 'evolution'.  If
you happen not to have that installed, or for some other reasons
this link points nowhere, the desktop comes with an alert like
the above.

The real problem is that this alert is really spurious as there is
already enough of a visual clue that something is missing.  You will
get a generic "gnome foot" instead of whatver was intended to be
there in the first place and, so far, one particulur mail client is
not mandatory for everybody.  So this is just annoying without
really bringing any new information.

As possible workarounds you may either kick out that particular
launcher from your panel or replace its icon with something else.
A bother is that you will have to do that on every account on
an afflicted box.


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