Fedora Project launches Pre-Extras

seth vidal skvidal at phy.duke.edu
Thu Dec 16 19:35:46 UTC 2004

On Thu, 2004-12-16 at 14:35 -0500, Noah Silva [Mailing list] wrote:
> I am assuming that since the Fedora Extras will be the "official"
> semi-3rd-party repo, it was thought to be something they didn't need?
> (i.e. if a package is in extras, it is much less likely that a 3rd party
> repo will package it anyway, if they aren't the ones who added it to
> extras).
> Anyway I will check this out on one of my machines and see how many babies
> it actually eats.

I've found if you feed it 4 to 10 babies a day it rarely gets cranky
enough to go after a house pet. :-D


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