FC2 test1

David Finch fedora at mytsoftware.com
Sun Feb 15 07:39:08 UTC 2004

Though it took many tries with many failures and long delays, up2date finished installing the updates.

After it reached 100%, there was a 14 minute pause before it said it was finished. So altogether there's been roughly 40 minutes worth of pauses where up2date was indistinguishable from a program that had frozen up.

I'm attaching a log with the few errors it encountered on its finally successful update. Though I don't have logs for the unsuccessful ones.

When it was done I rebooted and used the updated kernel.

It re-detected my keyboard, and asked me to set it up. Not sure why or how this changes things.

OpenGL is still broken, drawing everything inside out as usual.

The Service Config utility loads now. It wouldn't before the update. So either it's been fixed or I was unlucky the previous times I tried it.

But I've noticed a serious change when I drag a window around. Underlying windows are redrawn more quickly, but in the process the rest of the system is severely starved for cpu resources. Ogg playback in Kaboodle stops, and if I drag long enough, performance degrades to the point of extreme jerkiness. And I've noticed some apps seem to get starved occasionally even during periods of low cpu usage, though I'm not certain. It seems this is a result of upgrading to the new 2.6.2 kernel. All of the starvation symptoms go away if I reboot with the old 2.6.1 kernel. I've verified that both are using the anticipatory scheduler.

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