Upgrading from Red Hat 9

Devin Whalen devin at synapticvision.com
Wed Feb 18 16:06:08 UTC 2004


So there is not boot disk....I have seen like 5 submissions regarding
this and I think we can all agree that there is no bootdisk.img :)

However, Red Hat 9 does have a boot disk so I am going to install Red
Hat 9 on my laptop and then I am wondering if there is an easy way to
upgrade to Fedore Core 2 without having to boot off the cd??  Can I just
run a command that will start upgrading?  

As a side note, my Fedora Core 2 Disk 1 will not boot up on my computer
that can boot off a cd-rom....what gives?  I really don't want all the
time I spent downloading the cds to be a waste of time.  Do I have to do
something to the CD?  (I downloaded the rpms one)

What about installing off the hard drive?  Is there any documentation on
this?  Or should I just rest my drinks on my FC2 cds and give Mandrake a
go :(


Devin Whalen
Synaptic Vision Inc
Phone-(416) 539-0801
Fax- (416) 539-8280
1179A King St. West
Toronto, Ontario
Suite 309 M6K 3C5
Home-(416) 653-3982

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