Lets take the worst of windows and make it the unchangeable default of linux

Joel Young jdy at cs.brown.edu
Wed Feb 18 20:49:43 UTC 2004

Random thread injection...

I don't believe  (and yes I've read the papers) spatial mode is the 
best name.  If I walk around my house is the light switch always
in the same point of my field of view?  No.  If I look at the switch
it is in the center of my view.  Whatever I look at is in the 
center of my field of view.  That is a __spatial__ __vision__
oriented interface.  

Anywho, I personally find both modes of operation useful depending on
the task I am doing.  Both are useful and I find myself going back 
and forth between them.

As a user of many different systems, each with different display sizes,
with different numbers and sizes of desktops and viewports, spatial mode
can be frustrating sometimes when windows popup way far away outside of 
my field of view.

Now if my window manager could shift my center-of-vision over the
current window, that might be cute sometimes :-)


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