Why not drop the Core from Fedora Core?

Paul Iadonisi pri.rhl1 at iadonisi.to
Thu Feb 19 03:10:16 UTC 2004

On Wed, 2004-02-18 at 19:14, Thiago Vinhas de Moraes wrote:


> I'm not talking about the name Fedora, but the Core. And FYI, Fedora
> looks like "bad smell" in portuguese.

  That was it! :-)  I'm actually neutral on whether or not Core remains
as part of the name, but as Brent Fox has said, it's really not relevant
to this list.  Don't know who you'd talk to if you feel really strongly
about.  Maybe the Fedora Core Advisory Board, or whatever it's called.
  Now lets get some more testing in, as the window is short.

-Paul Iadonisi
 Senior System Administrator
 Red Hat Certified Engineer / Local Linux Lobbyist
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