FC2, development and up2date

Gene C. czar at czarc.net
Fri Feb 20 12:13:34 UTC 2004

What is the situation with updated packages for FC2test1?  We are only half 
way through this test period so it is not a freeze.  However, I am not 
getting any updates when I run up2date.

Now no updates is not completely true.  When I manually (gftp) check 
download.fedora.redhat.com, it turns out there are lots of updates ... I 
download and install the ones for the kernel, up2date, and rhn-applet.

When I run up2date, I still get "system up to date" (or something to that 
effect).  However, rhn-applet shows lots of updates available ... something 
like 1178 updates!

To aggravate matters, none of the mirrors (that I manually checked with gftp) 
seem to have been updated.

I need some clarification to the situation if testing is to be meaningful.

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