FC3 "Minimum: Pentium-class" -- is this arch=486/opt=686?

Bryan J. Smith b.j.smith at ieee.org
Tue Jul 13 22:36:28 UTC 2004

Alan & co --

Just wanted to verify what the "Minimum: Pentium-class" requirements of
Fedora Core (FC) 3 are.

I assume the "Pentium-class" phrase means that a full 486 ISA with TLB
and other features is the actual ISA (instruction set architecture)
requirement -- meaning it is still compatible with very high speed
"Pentium-class" embedded chips like those from SGS-Thompson and
pre-Geode National Semi / AMD SC-series system-on-a-chip (SoC) stuff?

[ Excusing, of course, anything that requires NPTL ]

And then, atop of all that, the binaries are optimized for 686 (Pentium


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Bryan J. Smith, E.I.         b.j.smith at ieee.org

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