Cannot Logout of X Successfully

Dave Waller dwaller at
Wed Mar 3 16:58:13 UTC 2004

I am not able to logout properly yet and it almost always results in 
going to another computer and ssh'ing in to reboot the system.

I have a dual head system and I have it configured so that the displays 
are connected.  when I logout X seems to restart but then the mouse can 
not travel to the other display and it stays black, no login screen.  
And I can not switch to text console and the num lock or caps lock is 
not setable either.

I don't know if it is related but the System Settings -> Display app 
does not let me save either and in .xsession-errors file is complains 
about line 177:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/share/system-config-display/", line 177, in ok
    display_option.modes[0].name = res
IndexError: index out-of-bounds


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