DVD Players & these DeCSS Rulings

Erich Hoover ehoover at mines.edu
Sat Mar 6 02:44:17 UTC 2004

It sounds to me like making Xine available would be fine, but to include 
a DVD copying program (even if it couldn't decode CSS and just copied 
the DVD byte-for-byte) would be a problem.  At least that's what the 
EFF's materials imply:

DeCSS related:
Copying related:

>On Fri, Mar 05, 2004 at 06:09:10AM -0600, Lewt @ Linux Warcry wrote:
>> Can you redhat guys bug one of your lawyers and see if we can finally 
>> bundle a Dvd player with Linux.  These court rulings seem to allow it 
>> now since it's deemed a non trade secret now.
>I suggest you look at the current rulings on DVD copying tools

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