XFree86 4.4.0

Lewt lewt at warcry.com
Sat Mar 6 23:30:26 UTC 2004

Razvan Corneliu C.R. "d3vi1" VILT wrote:

>On Sat, 2004-03-06 at 13:30 -0800, Mark Fonnemann wrote:
>>    i wonder (in the future) if there will now become two separate branches to
>>the XFree86 code of if a replacement will be developed. i heard of a
>>replacement to X-windows called y-windows; it supposedly is being written as a
>>modern, open source (GPL'd) window architecture, which is both modular and
>>network transparent among other things.i wonder if something like this will be
>>considered. i believe a working prototype exists but is in the early stages.
>>just a thought.
>Y-Windows is something completly different from XWindows.
>The problem now is what are the options:
>1) Keep going with XFree86 4.3 + selected patches from 4.4 written until
>the licence was changed. This seems like the most likely one.
>2) Add another X-Server. Here there are many options:
>     a) Xouvert (Unless they will continue to work with XFree86
>codebase, which means that the licence of their software will change)
>     b) XServ from freedesktop.org. Unfortunately this project is still
>in it's early stages of development. There are of course some very cool
>features, but it's not gonna be stable enough soon.
>     c) X11 from X.org. It's the base of most of the XServers currently
>existing. Unfortunately, there's a lot of work to do until it's a drop-
>ing replacement for XFree86.
>In the fedora development process they are trying to change all the deps
>from XFree86 provided ones to more generic ones, but this also takes
>time. The first thing that should be done, when changing an X-Server, is
>adding in it's provides something like X11-devel.
>Then all the appliactions that need the X11 headers (there are many
>trust me), should have their BUILD Requirements changed from XFree86-
>devel to X11-devel. This is only for the headers, but there are many
>others which are problematic.
>Just changing these in all the specs, should make a replacement of the
>X-Server easier, but, what are the options.
>In my opinion XFree86 4.3, or 4.4-RC1 (where it still has the old
>licence, I belive) should be good enough. Just patch that one.

Xouvert should be a drop in replacement.  In fact they're including MAS 
into the next release and making all the source more modular so it's 
easier to implement changes.  Plus a lot of other cool things with 
drivers and other stuff should happen.

However these guys need more coders to keep things going IMO.


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