Wireless Card Setup - Small problems

Pratik Mehta PMehta at soa.org
Fri Mar 5 21:43:44 UTC 2004


 I have been trying to setup my wireless card on Dell Insipiron 5150 A30 bios revision. It is a Cisco 350 PCMCIA Card. The pcmcia is working the green light starts up. 
Then i do:
iwconfig eth2 essid=xyz key=xxxxxx
dhclient eth2

but it does not seem to work....it shows me that it is configured but does not work.....
The warning that i get is: Warning device driver compiled with wireless extension version 16 and the system is using version 15.

Has anybody been successfully able to get this working...This is the last part of the problem in my system.....Thanks.

- Pratik

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