Bug Buddy or Bugzilla submissions

Jim Cornette redhat-jc at insight.rr.com
Wed Mar 24 03:01:09 UTC 2004

I recently had two episodes that apps or applets have crashed. After the 
crashing of the app(let), bug buddy launched and I submitted a report 
via bugzilla. I also added the person responsible for the package at 
redhat to he report as a cc. Is this enough? Or should I have saved the 
report to disk and submitted a report into bugzilla.

One of the bugs for a system, that was installed fresh from rawhide 
(development) on the 17th and then upgraded to rawhide on the 19th, was 
that right clicking on the clock-applet and selecting properties would 
cause bug buddy to come up, followed by a question to restart the applet.

What I was trying to do to the clock applet was to change it to 12 hr 
format and to check the date to be present within the applet.

Is this problem present for anyone else? I didn't set the properties 
ahead of time on the 17th or 18th. I was wondering if the forked 
xorg-x11 added this bug or if this bug is just present on a system 
upgraded in the maner that I have chosen.

SELinux was off when I tried to set the clock applet.

I forgot already as to what the other bug buddy duty call was for. I see 
how easily bugs not submitted can be forgotten. :-)


Stay away from hurricanes for a while.

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