Mozilla - Firefox - Epiphany discrepancies

Elaine Normandy enormandy at
Fri May 7 12:19:01 UTC 2004

I just figured out that running the privoxy  proxy was causing the 
problem with CPanel as viewed from Mozilla, but the other discrepancy 
still remains even after I turned off the proxy.

Elaine Normandy wrote:

> When I try to administer my website on my ISP (which uses CPanel, lots 
> of javascript) Mozilla takes an extremely long time to load the 
> pages.  At first, I thought my ISP had slowed down, and cursed them 
> rather than Mozilla.  However, both Epiphany and Firefox load the site 
> quickly.
> The only other discrepancy I have noticed is that I can use Epiphany 
> to check boxes when I update my patron account at my local library, 
> and Mozilla doesn't do the exact function.  (This site also seems to 
> use javascript.)
> I am baffled by this behavior, because I assume since they all use the 
> same gecko engine, they would all be handling javascript the same 
> way.  Any insights?  I am running an up2date version of a clean 
> install of FC2test3.

Elaine Normandy (Colorado Springs)

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