Nautilus + TIF file = memory insanity

David B fedora at
Tue May 11 03:05:44 UTC 2004

> Could this be related to thumbnail/preview generation?

The images size (not file size) is huge:

mustang:~/downloads> identify sfstreets.tif 
sfstreets.tif TIFF 11248x14484+0+0 PseudoClass 2c 8-bit 209.4kb 1.570u 0:02

That's like 164 times the area (in square pixels) of my monitor!

I have no idea how to make those programs more efficient.  Can you
make do with a scaled down image?  I scaled it down to 20% in the
gimp and it is very readable at 2250x2897.  I guess it depends on your
application as to whether this is acceptable.

With the scaled down image, things open up just fine and use a lot
less memory.


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