Help Installing Oracle 10g on Fedora

Glen Staufer alaxsxaq at
Wed Nov 17 20:03:33 UTC 2004

On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 13:03:59 -0600, Gregory G Carter <gcarter at> wrote:
> Bad question to ask.
> What you are asking will land anyone in here in jail in a country with
> software patents or part of the trading block of the USA and requires
> reverse engineering the installer, and certain sections of the software
> to determine how it installs itself.
> That is highly illegal, and it violates the software agreement you
> agreed to when you downloaded 10g anyway.
> Only install the Oracle database on a validated copy of Linux for which
> it is designed if you want to stay out of jail.

There isn't any language that I can see in the download click-through
license that specifically prohibits installing Oracle software on an
unsupported platform.  If you download the software and use the
'-ignoreSysPrereqs' option or edit the oraparam.ini file, are you
reverse engineering anything?  I wouldn't think so.

I'm not a lawyer, but if Oracle really was concerned about this whole
issue, the websites with specific infomation on doing Fedora or Gentoo
installs and the like would be served with take-down notices pretty
quickly.  Oracle has no shortage of lawyers; just bigger fish to fry
so to speak.

--Glenn Stauffer

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