Zip drive not working

Rodd Clarkson rodd at
Mon Oct 4 03:47:10 UTC 2004

> Why would udev be involved?  This is not a usb device!. In the first sentence 
> it stated "My internal Zip drive" and then the listing of the hwconf showed 
> it to be an IDE bus device and "desc: IOMEGA ZIP 250 ATAPI".  The hdx4 does 
> sound a bit odd though.

AFAIA, udev is just the /dev filesystem created in userspace, instead of
being pre-described.  If you `ls /dev` you'll notice that there are far
less items in the listing than there used to be, but the devices you
need are there (and are added and removed on demand)

I'm not aware that this is specific to USB, although USB is one of the
types of devices handed by udev.

rpm -qa udev shows:

Summary     : A userspace implementation of devfs
Description :
udev is a implementation of devfs in userspace using sysfs and
/sbin/hotplug. It requires a 2.6 kernel to run properly.


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>From the dream come the vision
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>From the people come the power
>From this power come the change

                         - Peter Gabriel

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