Ken Snider ksnider at
Thu Oct 7 14:49:14 UTC 2004

Chris Adams wrote:

> We use MySQL in a web-hosting environment.  There's no way we'll upgrade to
> anything later than 3.23, as any customer writing a program to talk to the
> database would have to be aware that their code would fall under the GPL if
> they distribute it.  When we decide to make a change, it will probably be
> to PostgreSQL or something else, not MySQL 4.0 or later.

Just one small clarification.

You can still connect to MySQL via a Unix Socket or TCP without worrying about 
the GPL-ness of the libraries - this only affects *compiled* code that links 
against libmysql.

This is one of the reasons a separate package with the 3.x mysql libs might 
make sense from a linking standpoint, but I'd bet there'd be an issue with 
using them against a 4.x MySQL.

Ken Snider

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