NTFS filesystem...

John Burton j.c.burton at gats-inc.com
Fri Oct 29 13:19:41 UTC 2004

Greetings once again...

Before I subscribed to this list, I sent a message which is currently 
being held by the moderators (no problem). Here is my porblem....

I have a dual boot laptop, Windows XP on the first partition (/dev/hda1) 
and FC3-RC1 (updated via yum on 10/28 to kernel 2.6.9-1.643). /dev/hda1 
is formatted NTFS. Other versions of Linux including FC2 have allowed me 
access to NTFS filesystems. But now I get

> [root at traveler john]# mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/C
> mount: fs type ntfs not supported by kernel

Which is not what I need. Unfortunately since there isn't a 
kernel-source rpm available, I can't easily compile a ntfs module.  
Being able to read the ntfs partition is critical, being able to write 
to it isn't. Since the actual release of FC3 is near, are there any 
plans to include ntfs support in the released version?


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