firefox uses helix player to open rpm downloads

Panu Matilainen pmatilai at
Tue Oct 5 21:22:57 UTC 2004

On Tue, 2004-10-05 at 16:56, Jeff Spaleta wrote:
> On Tue, 05 Oct 2004 00:01:28 -0400, Lee Connell <lee_connell at> wrote:
> > Today when i clicked on the ati rpm driver from using firefox it
> > launched the helix player and then closed it, did not download at all.  I
> > had to tell it to save link as....   Anyone else having this issue?  I am
> > completely up2date with all packages.
> I can confirm that this happens to me with the site.
> But I can't easily find any othersite with rpm packages that does
> causes this to happen.
> For example the rpm links at do not
> cause helix to start. So the question is, is ati's site doing
> something to suggest the wrong mime-type?
> You might need to inform ati to reconfigure their server.

Having .rpm associated with RealPlayer (or Helix) seems to be pretty
much the default. 

AddType application/x-rpm .rpm

in apache config fixes it, assuming you have some control over the web
server. IIRC .rpm as far as RealPlayer formats go is extremely rare

	- Panu -

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