Thomas Zehetbauer thomasz at
Wed Oct 6 11:37:48 UTC 2004

This has become a Very Frequenty Asked Question here.

Starting with version 4 MySQL AB has changed the license to be pure GPL
as is most open source software shipping with RedHat/Fedora. In this
case the RedHat folks however came up with the lame excuse that this
license does no longer permit linking with PHP. But as several people
have brought up it is PHP's license that needs to be fixed in this case.

MySQL AB has been made aware of that problem and changed their license
to include an exception for Free and Open Source Software. RedHat has
thereafter claimed that they need to wait for a new version to be
released because the tarballs still included only the GPL license.

On September 10, 2004 MySQL AB has finally released MySQL 4.0.21 under
the new license and Alan Cox has claimed that "it may well make 
FC4 then". Unfortunately nothing has happened since that day and we are
still stuck building the MySQL, perl-DBD-mysql and php-mysql packages


  T h o m a s   Z e h e t b a u e r   ( TZ251 )
  PGP encrypted mail preferred - KeyID 96FFCB89
      finger thomasz at for key

Heisenberg may have slept here...

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