how to make a local repository after a yum update?

Colin Charles byte at
Sun Sep 5 08:18:57 UTC 2004

On Sun, 2004-09-05 at 10:46, Michal Jaegermann wrote:
> With the old version of yum documentation basically said
> "run yum-arch on a directory with rpm packages and you are set".
> Now yum-arch is gone (although 'man yum' still tells you to
> look at 'man yum-arch',
> )

You now run "createrepo <dir_name>" rather than "yum-arch <dir_name>"

> There is something new in 'yum --help' called "generate-rss" which
> may be it.  OK, let's try:

This is to generate an RSS feed, like you'll see on Fedora People

> In a total absence of a documentation I am somewhat reluctant
> to call that a bug and file in bugzilla.  Should I?

No don't. Its just that the old yum-arch method is gone, and there's a
new metadata format, hence you have the createrepo bits

Suggest searching for that in the fedora-devel-list archives for some
more information about it... And I'm sure documentation will make itself
more clearly out there in due time

createrepo -h has help, and there's probably more "information" at 
Colin Charles, byte at
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