OpenOffice i18n is 790MB on disk

Michal Jaegermann michal at
Thu Sep 9 16:03:14 UTC 2004

On Thu, Sep 09, 2004 at 07:05:12AM -0400, Aaron Gaudio wrote:
> IMO, the correct way to handle the package is to
> properly identify each language within the rpm spec file, so that one
> can use the %_install_langs rpm macro (in ~/.rpmmacros, for instance) to
> limit exactly which languages get installed,

Does not seem like a very good proposition for a "general audience"
unless anaconda would write during an installation something like
/etc/rpm/macros.langs with a chosen set of languages in it
(and probably be explicit that it is doing that with a possibility
of opting out and reverting to the current situation when
%_install_langs is set to 'all').

Hm, maybe RFE for anaconda?  Opinions?


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