Yum.conf ... mplayer&co...

Jeff Spaleta jspaleta at gmail.com
Tue Sep 21 21:29:22 UTC 2004

On Tue, 21 Sep 2004 22:45:04 +0200, montard at kps.fr <montard at kps.fr> wrote:
> maybe but i don t know...
> it seems strange that there is no divx player compmatible...
> i tried with vlc,mplayer,xine....
> so does any one of you have something like yum list *mlpayer* or *vlc* working ?

It's not strange at all really, I sort of expect during test releases
to have trouble finding addon packages built explicitly for test
release. Its just one of those things that comes with running test
releases. I don't expect the people who build addon packages to be
able to keep up with the nearly daily updates that are happening. And
for this test release the new yum version adds a little extra wrinkle.
Let me summarize some important things I think you should understand:

1) the yum.conf that comes in the test release is configured ONLY to
see packages in Fedora Core. mplayer and the rest are NOT packages in
Fedora Core.  If you want add-on packages you must reconfigure your
yum.conf appropriately to use repositories that have these packages.

2) the yum that comes with fc3t2 uses a new repository metadata
format. Which is NOT compatible with the yum in fc2 or fc1. So.. you
can not assume that a yum.conf entry which works for fc1 or fc2 will
work for the yum in fc3t2. You need to be aware of which add on
repositories are offering the new metadata format. You might have to
use a different url for an addon repository to get access to the new
metadata. Livna for example offers the new metadata for the newer yum,
but you have ot use different urls to access it.

3) add on repositories which have packages from fc1 and fc2 might not
make the same effort to have packages built specifically for a test
release. You might have to try to use packages built for fc2 from some
add on repositories to get packages that you want. This also impacts
yum.conf entries, since 'clever' yum entries look for packages by
using the release number of the fedora core release you are running.
You might have to learn how to configure yum.conf and create explicit
entries to use packages meant for fc2 on the fc3 test release to
install the addons you want to test.


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