last 541 kernel damages fileystem .. starting fresh FC3T2 candidate.

Stephen C. Tweedie sct at
Wed Sep 8 11:49:31 UTC 2004


On Tue, 2004-09-07 at 02:10, Jim Cornette wrote:

> I installed fresh and /dev/hda1 and hda2 were reformatted. The other 
> listed disks, like the sda disks were formatted during an fc3t1 install 
> attempt. The hdb1 and hdb2 contain FC2. The hda5 is the boot partition 
> from the corrupted installation, nothing was done with this partition 
> yet. For the hdb6 partition with all of the errors mkfs was ran on it 
> when booted up in FC2.

OK, I'm getting confused about what this is supposed to show: hda5 isn't
actually listed in the files you attached.  hdb6 is, but the "df" all
looks fine.  

> The attached pure.txt file is from the 541 before installing the 540 
> downgraded kernel. The 540.dgrd.txt file is from rebooting into the 
> retro kernel. I don't see a difference from the listing for each version.

No, because the problem is totally independent of what kernel you're
running at the time --- it depends only on the state of the disk, and
whether that was corrupted by some previous boot and has not yet been
fscked.  If you've got the block counts off, just rebooting into a
different non-buggy kernel won't help at all.


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