FC3 test2 test report

A. Sopicki pastorpalme at gmx.de
Tue Sep 21 09:42:52 UTC 2004

After burning the DVD and a reboot installation worked just fine. No problem.

Testing the system I noticed that there was no sound. Solved it with kmix. 
Just had to deactivate the digital output and turn up the volumes. So no real 
problem. Soundcard worked just fine.

Tried to install some extra packages with system-config-packages from DVD 
cause I didn't select the Gnome desktop. Installation programm couldn't find 
the location of my DVD. Solved it by using the --tree parameter.  Bug or 
known issue?

Anything else is just working as usual without any problem yet. Good work! No 
problem with SELinux either.

Waiting for the final. :)


P.S.: Sorry, but this message got messed up somehow

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