yum targets for FC3t2

Justin Georgeson jgeorgeson at lopht.net
Tue Sep 28 19:45:57 UTC 2004

Harry Putnam wrote:
> "shrek-m at gmx.de" <shrek-m at gmx.de> writes:
>>><>I'm confused... is rawhide the yum target for both
>>>FC3T2 and FC3T1?
>>>Is this normal?
> Thanks... the url however does nothing to explain what I was confused
> about. That is, how is it that two different candidates get their
> files from the same place.  I think I'm still not understanding the
> process.  Isn't FC3t1 still being tested?  If so then how is it that
> t2 uses the same base files.  How is t1 different than t2?

don't consider them release candidates. consider them snapshots of the 
rawhide tree. t1 is different because it came out first, that's it.

; Justin Georgeson
; "Free the mallocs, delete the news"
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