Automated Mirror Selection [Re: Worst experience with Up2Date ever.]

seth vidal skvidal at
Thu Sep 30 19:50:19 UTC 2004

On Thu, 2004-09-30 at 15:03, Jon Savage wrote:
> > I care far far more about finding a way to give each client computer a
> > way to get a reasonable accurate list of mirrors that works well and
> > reliably for access to released updates and base packages for full
> > releases. If discussion isn't framed around this being the central
> > goal, I'm not overly interested in it.
> IMHO much of the weirdness with up2date and to a lesser degree with
> yum stems from mirror selection issues. The best solution currently
> seems to require that each OP hand edit his/her  relevant
> configuration file(s) to point to more "desirable" mirrors. I've found
> up2date to work poorly at best since FC1; note that I don't so much
> mind breakage in the test releases since there are typically in excess
> of 50 package updates a day.
> Perhaps a solution similar to the one has implemented with
> their version of apt could be applied to up2date/yum namely the first
> time the app is run the OP gets a TUI that allows for mirror
> selections. Painless & effective.

except when the person kickstarts the system and expects it to be

chkconfig yum on

and then it just uses whatever is the default mirror
and you're back to square one


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