kickstart reboot without eject

Jos Vos jos at
Tue Aug 2 21:30:21 UTC 2005

On Tue, Aug 02, 2005 at 11:10:46PM +0200, Thoralf Will wrote:

> why isn't there an option "eject" to make ks eject the cdrom? why is
> reboot automatically ejecting the drive?

IIRC the CD is always ejected when the system is rebooted after the
install, also if you click on "reboot" manually (that is, ejecting the
CD is not specifically related to the "reboot" kickstart command).

This does not happen (IIRC) when the install was a network install
and the CD is boot.iso, which is what *I* found annoying ;-).

Maybe you can overrule this in an own installclass, I don't know,
but the Anaconda Python code is pretty readable ;-).

--    Jos Vos <jos at>
--    X/OS Experts in Open Systems BV   |   Phone: +31 20 6938364
--    Amsterdam, The Netherlands        |     Fax: +31 20 6948204

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