another trouble with yum (or something else?)

Michal Jaegermann michal at
Thu Dec 8 23:50:43 UTC 2005

I had a version 2.4.1-3 of yum in use when I run into the following:
in a transaction which included both libsetrans.x86_64 0.1.11-1
and policycoreutils.x86_64 1.27.37-1 yum bailed out on me with:

file /usr/bin/chcat from install of policycoreutils-1.27.37-1
conflicts with file from package libsetrans-0.1.9-1
file /usr/share/man/man8/chcat.8.gz from install of
policycoreutils-1.27.37-1 conflicts with file from package libsetrans-0.1.9-1

So eventually I just installed libsetrans-0.1.11-1 alone, using yum,
and this was not an issue.  Still trying to update next
policycoreutils I run into the same conflicts as above and 'chcat'
is not a part of libsetrans-0.1.11-1.  Checks revealed that after
the first update I was left with both libsetrans-0.1.11-1 _and_
libsetrans-0.1.9-1.  This indeed conflicts with new policycoreutils
but why I was left with two libsetrans versions?  This is really
something which caused this update failure in the first place.

Only after I removed explicitely libsetrans-0.1.9-1 I was able to
proceed with an update of policycoreutils.  Does anybody knows what
is going on here?  If this should go to bugzilla then against what?


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