yum update problems

Paul paul at all-the-johnsons.co.uk
Sat Jan 22 10:46:57 UTC 2005


>>Yep. Running rawhide on the laptop and the main box at home. Works like
>>a charm. Have been using rawhide since RH8!
> Under no circumstances  should you ever ever ever say that rawhide
> works like a charm in a publicly archived forum. You do a HUGE
> disservice to the community and by doing so you encourage people who
> are not prepared to troubleshoot potentially serious breakage to use
> rawhide indescrimately and get into situations from which they are not
> skilled enough in cmdline usage to effectively work their way out of.

That's just the point though - for me, other than a couple of hiccups 
when X fails or that time where something seriously screwed with the 
gateway was shafted, rawhide works.

The reason I asked originally was that the box at home (also using 
rawhide) doesn't fall over with that problem. When I checked though, 
that was also sucking from the stable branch as well.

> Say it with me:  'rawhide eats babies'

Rawhide eats jellybabies ;-)

> The problems you are seeing with missing and conflicting dependancies
> are the most trivial and most common problems associated with rawhide.
> And I dare say.. that anyone who has been using rawhide on a daily
> basis for a length of time long enough to cover a 2 release cycles
> knows this sort of stuff happens regularly....especially during a
> period between "test release phases." 

Correct, I do. However, these swig problems do seem to have gone on for 
a while...

> I'm actually somewhat concerned that someone
> using rawhide as long as you have needs to ask for assistance on how
> to deal with such a minor and regularly occuring rawhide problem.

Actually, this minor thing was just me being confused between a couple 
of machines and remembering one of the announcements that libiw had been 
backmade to a previous version for NetworkManager and kdenetwork to work.


(using Thunderbird as his main box has decided not to work)

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