testing kudzu

Peter Lawler fedora-test-list at six-by-nine.com.au
Mon Jul 25 06:21:31 UTC 2005

Bill Nottingham wrote:
> Peter Lawler (fedora-test-list at six-by-nine.com.au) said: 
>>Not strictly true. I've had it prompt for (and completely ignore my 
>>input of) the root password when kudzu attempts to run 
>>system-config-display (which had no reason to be run, but I guess that's 
>>another story).
> Lovely. /etc/sysconfig/hwconf would be a start. You wouldn't
> happen to be using the nVidia driver, would you?
> Bill

No, the fglrx driver from livna. I'll do some testing in the next few 
days so I can accurately describe when this occurs, then file the report 
and follow up here with a bug #.



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