lastlog devours universe

Michael Wiktowy mwiktowy at
Wed Jun 8 22:39:36 UTC 2005

Jesse Keating wrote:

>On Wed, 2005-06-08 at 16:37 -0400, Michael Wiktowy wrote:
>>In your experience, is there a reason not to use --sparse in most occasions?
>And then we have an even longer thread about tar changing it's default
>behavior and pissing off even MORE admins who have been using tar for
>decades on not just Linux.  That is a VERY silly suggestion.

Well ... long threads are fine if they stay constructive and informative.

I'll ask again because I honestly don't know the answer:

Is there a reason not to use --sparse in most occasions?

Call me an ignorant newb if it makes you feel better, but I would like 
an answer from someone knowledgable since all my Googling indicates:
- there is just a slight slowdown since it has to read the file twice 
(Andy Ross' test only covered one condition ... I would imagine tarring 
a 1.4TB file takes a long time *any* way you do it.)
- there is a large slowdown on compressing a sparse file
- there is some indication that sparse file handling should be automatic 
and the --sparse option removed completely



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