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Darwin H. Webb thethirddoorontheleft at verizon.net
Wed Jun 22 23:45:58 UTC 2005

On Thu, 2005-06-23 at 00:12 +0100, Tim Waugh wrote:
> On 6/22/05, Darwin H. Webb <thethirddoorontheleft at verizon.net> wrote:
> > printing is broke,
> Er.. it is?  Is there a bugzilla ID?
> Tim.
> */

Yes, printing stopped working about 2 to 4 build updates ago.
No, I didn't change anything. I was printing and then there was non
The error message is in one of the build list threads with my name on
it. I have tried to re-do the printing but nothing works.
OO0 see the printer as defined, Gimp and gPHOTO do not see any printer
but generic. It's as if the pdd files are gone.
No there is not a bug report, as it only happened this weekend and I
have no idea what caused it as the only things that changed were the
updates from devel.

Same for root mail, and now the browser info is invisible, seems to be
stuff behind the invisible 

Also add to that the creating a vncpasswd for a user, k-boom and a list
of libs. Log off disintegrated into a flashing black and gray screen
until it said, the welcome task is crashing would you like me to present
another. I said ok, and it did, I logged back on to my user account.

Started vncserver and it failed.

So, I have my e-mail and that's about it.


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