http access to a dir on the web server

Mike Chambers mike at
Tue Mar 29 21:36:57 UTC 2005

If I have a dir, example, /home/some/dir/here

and that is where I have a mirror of rawhide that starts (that's the
base dir)...

I want to at least allow myself access to that dir via the web (already
have a main web page for my domain), so I can read the RPMs, headers,

I can't seem to find the right configuration to add to my httpd.conf
file, or the correct way to link that dir to my /var/www/html dir (which
would probably be easier and less configuring).

This is what I currently have in my httpd.conf file..

Alias /rawhide/ "/home/some/dir/here/rawhide/"

<Directory "/home/some/dir/here/rawhide">
    Options Indexes MultiViews
    AllowOverride None
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

Any ideas?

Mike Chambers
Madisonville, KY

"It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!"

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