Release notes- Great job

Michal Jaegermann michal at
Sun Oct 9 05:13:17 UTC 2005

On Sun, Oct 09, 2005 at 09:37:29AM +1000, Rodd Clarkson wrote:
> A good example of this 80
> character requirement can be seen in the source code for the page, where
> the lines are wrapped around 80 characters since it makes it easier to
> read the source code.  (There's a reason why old CRTs and terminals
> where about 70-80 characters wide too)

Terminals are 80 characters wide most likely because Herman
Hollerith (1860-1929) was using punched cards with 80 columns and
IBM "recycled" these from tabulating machines when they started to
make computers.  I would be not surprised to learn that Hollerith
got that size from Jacquard loom or something similar. :-)

In typography 80 character line is normally considered waaay too
wide. 75 is an upper limit with 66, in a single column, as something
to aim for. Still I agree that changes you are proposing would make
that text more readable.


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