firefox update to possible?

Cam camilo at
Fri Apr 14 17:25:38 UTC 2006


> Disabled by choice because  updates directly from to the
> firefox system binares are NOT going to work when applied to fedora
> builds.  The updates offers only work when applied to
> binaries produced by You do a rebuild with any patches or
> any different compiler options and you get a different
> whatever binary diffs hands you can not be applied
> correctly. I can not fathom how you can fail to understand the
> inherent limitations of a binary diff feature that binary diffs are
> only valid when applied to the specific binary they were generated
> against.

OK I wasn't sure if it was a binary diff or if selected files and bits 
of chrome were being replaced (I assumed the latter). I appreciate that 
a binary patch wouldn't work.

The update method is still a good one, would it be hard for Fedora to 
patch the in-house Firefox to use a Fedora server with the correct 
binary patches? Then Firefox could do whatever clever things it does to 
make sure that a user's extensions are still in order.

> If you dont want to use the fedora built binaries you are free to
> uninstall the rpm and use the mozilla builds.  Have fun.

I do sometimes use the Mozilla binaries but find it hard to remove the 
Fedora ones (I can't remember off the top of my head what dependencies 
keep them; some help browser).


camilo at                                                 <--

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