No floppy (or CD/DVD) after install

David Timms dtimms at
Mon Feb 6 12:02:25 UTC 2006

Thomas Taylor wrote:

>I have installed FC5.2 on my computer 3 times now.  Each time the nodes 
>for /media/floppy and /media/cdrecorder are not being created.  The /media 
>directory is there but it's empty.
I think I read somewhere that it is udev's job to create the folders 
under /media/ as removable media is detected and removed. Currently my 
/media directory on FC5t2 + updates is empty as well.

If I stick in a DVD video, a folder with the title of the DVD (eg 
Planet_Of_The_Apes), and also totem tries to play it, but given FC has 
no mpeg decoder, it just gives an error message. Also, a desktop icon 
with the title is created: I use this to eject to DVD from the context menu.

>Looking in bugzilla, I found bug 177589 which is similar but doesn't provide 
>me with any insight into my problem.
>I haven't been able to use mknod because I don't have the major/minor numbers 
>for these devices.  When I tried to download the source code per the 
>instructions in the release notes, it failed.
Floppy disk insertion is not detectable; instead nautilus Computer shows 
Floppy Drive. Context menu Mount Volume displays a small dialog with an 
X, but no text, then another error dialog is shown over the top "Error" 
"X Unable to mount media. There is probably no media in the drive". This 
is shown immediately, without lighting the FDD LED (I understand that 
accessing the disk is the only way to detect if there is a disk in the 
drive, and this is _not_ being done).

if I su and:
mount /dev/fd0 /mnt
the disk is mounted OK and double clicking the Floppy Drive entry shows 
the contents of the disk OK, and a desktop icon is shown with the title 
mnt !?! (perhaps if the disk has no title, then it causes a problem for 
the current code ?)
Neither of the context menus on for unmount manage to unmount the disk. 
df displays an error:
df: '/mnt': Input/output error
# umount /dev/fd0
is successful at dismounting the disk.

>Can someone please send me the major/minor numbers for those devices or 
>provide some other way to access them.
Can you try the tests I tried above, and respond here ?
If no help, maybe useful : ?
# ll /dev/{cd*,fd0}
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root        3 (date time) /dev/cdrom -> hdc
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root        3 (date time) /dev/cdwriter -> hdc
brw-rw---- 1 dave floppy 2,   0 (date time) /dev/fd0

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