Want to help testing to get FC5 test3 out?

Jeremy Katz katzj at redhat.com
Tue Feb 14 17:12:03 UTC 2006

As we work towards getting FC5 test3 ready for public release, there's a
fair bit of testing that we want to get done to help ensure that test3
is as good as it can be.  To try to make this process a little bit more
open and let people who want to help find testing tasks, I've created
http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FC5Test3TreeTesting.  Much of this testing
can be done with today's rawhide tree, so if you want to jump in and
help, update the testing matrix.  If you find bugs that you think would
be showstoppers for the test3 release in your testing of rawhide, please
link to them there so that we can evaluate as best as possible.

Any questions, ask away here or by popping into #fedora-devel on


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