Latest rawhide vs Bootchart

John Reiser jreiser at
Tue Jan 10 16:46:33 UTC 2006

>>Looks like ntpdate was waiting on net connections to finish setting the clock.
>>Either we should make it fork, or we should allow multiple initscripts
>>to start at once (I thought the latter was being looked into?).

> It can't fork -- some later init scripts may require precise
> synchronization (e.g. kerberos-related services). If you want to run
> time sync, you'll have to wait for it to finish.

I trust the hardware clock enough that there should be an option
not to wait for ntpdate.  The machine boots within a few hours
(usually, mere minutes) of controlled shutdown.  Plus, I'm willing
to tolerate a slop of 2 or 3 seconds for the first half a minute,
in order to save 15 seconds of time at bootup.


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