Latest rawhide vs Bootchart

D Canfield canfield at
Tue Jan 10 16:50:33 UTC 2006

John Reiser wrote:

>>>Looks like ntpdate was waiting on net connections to finish setting the clock.
>>>Either we should make it fork, or we should allow multiple initscripts
>>>to start at once (I thought the latter was being looked into?).
>>It can't fork -- some later init scripts may require precise
>>synchronization (e.g. kerberos-related services). If you want to run
>>time sync, you'll have to wait for it to finish.
>I trust the hardware clock enough that there should be an option
>not to wait for ntpdate.  The machine boots within a few hours
>(usually, mere minutes) of controlled shutdown.  Plus, I'm willing
>to tolerate a slop of 2 or 3 seconds for the first half a minute,
>in order to save 15 seconds of time at bootup.
Could the forking just be an option in /etc/sysconfig/ntpd?  That way 
those of us who want to speed stuff up can do so, and the rest can wait 
it out?  Ideally, it would probably be great to set the default based on 
whether you choose desktop or server in anaconda.  Most desktop users 
would probably prefer the 2-3 second inaccuracy while a server install 
is probably a good place to wait.


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