mount options

Michal Jaegermann michal at
Tue Jun 13 23:21:35 UTC 2006

Does anybody know how to change such mount options like, say,
'shortname=winnt' for vfat for filesystems mounted by hal?
This is just an example and I may want to change something
else as well.

I tried to add in /usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/20thirdparty
my own .fdi file.  No complaints but it was simply ignored.
All this area enjoys a complete lack of documentation (an accidental
REAME or some example configuration where one needs to divine
details of both syntax and semantics hardly qualify) so one
is left guessing.

Sure, I can edit sources and recompile gnome-mount where
this 'shortname=winnt' is set.  Anyone with less drastic
options?  Hacking /usr/share/hal/scripts/hal-system-storage-mount
looks even less appealing on a long run.


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