FC5T3 Install Report

Chasecreek Systemhouse chasecreek.systemhouse at gmail.com
Thu Mar 2 00:41:30 UTC 2006

After spedning about 20+ hours on trying to get FC5 Test 3 installed
on an iMac I must report miserable failure =(  I tried both an upgrade
and a virgin install.

The primary issue is that during the installation of packages you will
see (if you are watching Console 4 (Ctrl-Alt-F4)) that the filesystem
is marked Read Only and the whole process aborts.

This is after as many as 10 attempts to read beyond the end of the
file system; for example -

"Attempt to access block 15 Billion but Limit is only 16 Million" (I
have summarized as I cannot recall the exact error message.)

I will say however that most of the Block Acces attempts were in the 2
Billion range -- only 2 access attempts surpassed 15/16 Billion.

My Target HD was a 9GB Barracuda - which only has about 16 Million
blocks available.

Lastly, on colsole 4 I witnessed hundreds of avc error -- many of
which "appeared" as if (via audit) avc was trying to "add" user
accounts -- accounts like /dev/ and / and etc -- mostly all seemed to
be directpry names.

I have not submitted a bug report as I really have no idea what to
report -- and besides I am pretty sure that there is alreayd a bug
report concerning the "kernel?" marking the file system read only and
hosing it.

Cheers =)
WC (Bill) Jones -- http://youve-reached-the.endoftheinternet.org/

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