pretty emacs

Marc Schwartz marc_schwartz at
Thu Apr 26 15:34:51 UTC 2007

Jack Tanner wrote:
> Neal Becker <ndbecker2 <at>> writes:
>> I've been building xemacs with --xft, because it looks SO much nicer. 
>> Unfortunately, it's also a little buggy.  Mainly, it is slow.
> I just finished an --with-xft build, since the error that broke the build
> yesterday got fixed. Wow, what a difference! Haven't noticed any particular bugs
> or slowdowns (so far, at least).
> Favorite sexp of the day:
> (setq initial-frame-alist
>       '((font . "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono-8")
> ))
> Here's to a quick merge of the unicode branch and a release speedier than 22...


Emacs with gtk2/xft is a thing of beauty...  :-)

I had actually tried XEmacs with the xft patch some time ago, but it 
crashed rather frequently and usually at the most inopportune times 
(thanks to Mr. Murphy...).



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