FC8T1 on PS3

monty19@ hotmail.com monty19 at hotmail.com
Sun Aug 12 23:27:31 UTC 2007

I went ahead and did a F7 install, and upgraded it to rawhide, since 
none of the boot.iso's from the original F8T1 release, August 9th, 10th, 
or 12th would boot properly.
It would be nice if a network install could be done using the ps3_gelic 
driver, although those iso's that did include the driver refused to use 
it for a network install, even after it was manually loaded. The 
boot.iso's also will not detect my usb drive unless I plug in a flash 
drive as well; usb-storage will not load unless the flash drive is 
plugged in... And some of the iso's could not even detect that there was 
a CD-ROM drive in the PS3, let alone a hard drive. The boot image from 
the 12th wouldn't even accept input from the keyboard. Up came the first 
menu, and that's all she wrote.

As far as things outside the install go, the current kernel in rawhide 
(kernel-2.6.23-0.96.rc2.git2.fc8) also does not boot at all. I am using 
the most current F7 kernel (kernel- instead, and aside 
from that most things seem to be working surprisingly well, although 
sound is not working, and the Compatch Flash reader does not seem to be 
working either. The CF reader goes back and forth with every update it 
seems, unfortunately...

On the plus side the version of udev in rawhide (udev-114-1.fc8) works 
quite well, and since it will mount my USB disks properly, where the 
latest version in F7 will not, I've gone ahead and installed it on my F7 
install as well. It works much better there as well.


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