fedora core - www.ltsp.org

marek cervenka cervajs at fpf.slu.cz
Thu Jan 18 09:20:51 UTC 2007


are there some pre-release rpms of ltsp-5 for fc6/7? (or tarball)
i have problem with national(czech republic) keyboard via xkb (probably
xorg 7.1(fc6) vs xorg 6.8(ltsp-4.2) problem)

doesnt help

note from http://wiki.ltsp.org/twiki/bin/view/Ltsp/Ltsp5Status
Fedora 	 not supported 	 Work is being done to provide LTSP-5 in Fedora Core 7

who is working on it?


Marek Cervenka
Centrum Vypocetni Techniky
CVT 		- http://cvt.fpf.slu.cz
FPF SLU OPAVA 	- http://www.fpf.slu.cz
LCNA 		- http://lcna.slu.cz

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